
Faith Radio’s mission is to serve the Christian Community and strengthen the local church and family unit as we provide spiritual encouragement and a personal challenge with a Christ-centered focus through Biblical teaching, relevant information and uplifting music to the Glory of God.


Our ministry work involves utilizing a wide-reaching amount of expensive technology that operates 24 hours per day without interruptions, on both FM transmitters and live-streaming on the internet. It is crucial that we keep all of our equipment updated to provide our life-changing broadcast. Donations made to our ministry allow us to keep our technology updated with high-quality, reliable equipment.


We give God the glory for 40 years of ministry this year! Our listeners have shared with us that we are much more than a radio station — we are a ministry helping thousands of people each day to know the love of Jesus and grow their faith in Christ.

Billy Irvin, Director of Ministry Relations

“We are broadcasting HOPE through a relationship with Jesus Christ, and that is good news available for everyone. It’s a free gift from God! Sharing the message of true love, and that we should love one another is vital… think about it, what if we did just love one another and serve one another, we would have such a better community!”


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