
To coordinate and facilitate the resources of all members for the advancement of public education.


Since 1969, the Council for Leaders in Alabama Schools (CLAS) has focused on Alabama’s students by helping build leadership capacity in Alabama’s schools. By providing high-quality professional learning and networking opportunities, Alabama’s school administrators have access to a host of tools to improve their leadership skills.


  • CLAS is the only Alabama association founded by administrators for administrators.
  • As Alabama’s premier school leader organization, CLAS represents more than 4,270 members.
  • With 12 affiliates, CLAS offers a professional organization for every type of school administrator.

Vic Wilson, Executive Director

“We are the premier professional learning association for school leaders in Alabama. We strive to help our leaders help students learn. Successful schools lead to successful communities and vice versa. We help our schools be successful so that our community can be successful.”

(800) 239-3616 | (334) 265-3610 | CLASLEADERS.ORG

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